Kale Pesto

This Kale pesto is an extremely healthy and a delicious version of a traditional green herb pesto.

What is a pesto exactly?

Pesto is simply a puree of greens that is emulsified with olive oil. It can be great with some pasta or as a sauce with roasted veggies. I’ve even been know to eat this Kale pesto as a dip with some veggie sticks or crackers.

This recipe uses the puree technique of emulsifying.

Remember to use this recipe as a guideline. It should be adjusted to your liking. Feel free to play as you go and ALWAYS cook with your senses!

And, as with all of our recipes – It’s simple and quick and don’t forget to taste as you go!

Kale Pesto Recipe

Servings: 4 people

Prep Time: 15 minutes


  • 1 bunch kale leaves

  • 1/2 bunch basil (can substitute for other herbs like parsley, thyme, cilantro)

  • 1-2 whole lemons zested & juiced

  • Olive oil

  • 2 cloves garlic

  • 1-3 Tbsp chia seeds (optional)

  • 1-3 Tbsp sunflower seeds (optional)


  1. Clean Kale by removing leaves from the stem.

  2. Add all ingredients, except Olive Oil into your food processor. (If it doesn't, add it

    to a bowl and them process it in 2 parts.)

  3. Start the food processor and add the oil slowly until the pesto is a thick consistency. Then add a bit more oil, all while blending.

  4. Season with a good amount of salt and pepper and buzz once more to incorporate.

  5. You can serve over pasta or as a sauce with chicken or roasted veggies.

Recipe Notes

Ingredients to prep ahead: EVERYTHING!

This is great made and then can be frozen in portions to use on a chaotic day! This pesto is great with pasta, added to chicken or steak, or even just with some crackers as a dip for your picnic.

Pro Tip: This Kale pesto recipe is great with the optional ingredients, but is still delicious if you don’t have them on hand. You can also swap the sunflower seeds for a nut. (walnuts, pecans, almonds etc)


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