9,360 Lifeline Groceries distributed in 2023!

That’s $346,320 in produce alone! 

farm fresh grocery distribution of Lifeline groceries and Urban Farm Stand producein Queens

In 2023 Connected Chef continued with our nutrient-dense Lifeline Groceries and Urban Farm Stand programming, serving over 70,000 community members across Queens. With our mission to build a community-powered food system, this year we’ve grown our farm and food partners to include Angel Family Farm and Prince Abou Butchery.  Here in Queens, our community distribution partners include 2 new schools and our neighbors at Queensbridge. We continue to support food purchasing with our partners at Love Wins Food Pantry and Sunnyside Woodside Mutual aid each month. 

Let’s make a greater impact together!

Thanks to our team’s hard work, all of Connected Chef’s operation costs (including equitable labor costs) are fully covered by our Lifeline Groceries revenue. 

This means every dollar of your donation this Giving Tuesday will go directly to food costs to pay our wonderful farm partners and vendors, including Angel Family Farm. 

Our goal this year-end is to raise upwards of $15,000 which would equate to 21,400 pounds of nutrient-dense produce for 1,070 Lifeline Groceries boxes. 

Sponsor a Lifeline Groceries Box

Each Lifeline Groceries box sponsored provides a week's worth of produce for a family of four. 

20 lbs. of produce - 6-7 vegetables, 2-3 fruits, and 1 lb. grains or legumes.

63% of $0 Lifeline families are single mothers with school-age children. By being guaranteed a Lifeline Groceries box every week families are no longer food insecure and have the peace of mind to know exactly where their food is coming from each week. 

The Connected Chef is a registered not-for-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible.

To make a contribution via check, please make payable to The Connected Chef Foundation, Inc.

Checks can be mailed to:

1967 80th Street

East Elmhurst, NY 11370